Python primer for HTMD#


Why Python?#

  • Modern, complete and open-source programming language

  • Wide spread throughout the scientific community

  • Easy to understand, rapid delivery and maintenance

  • C++ still wins on low latency and control of memory

    • However, Python is versatile and has packages that can be as fast as C (e.g. NumPy)

HTMD relation to Python and Miniconda#

  • HTMD is written in Python, using the Python 3 synthax

  • HTMD is, and works as, a Python module.

  • HTMD is distributed through a package/module distribution platform called Miniconda (light-weight Anaconda)

  • Advantages of Miniconda:

    1. Already distributes Python (python) and interactive Python (ipython) interpreters

    2. Everything is self-contained inside Miniconda and one does not have to rely on the operative system

Programming basics with Python#

  • Python can do pretty much what any other programming language can. Arithmetics, variable definition, printing, etc.

a = 3 + 2
print('a is', a)
a is 5

Python Interpreters and writing Python code#

  • python is the general interpreter

    • One can write a file in Python and run python

  • There are powerful ways of writing and prototyping code in Python:

    • Interactive interpreters (ipython, jupyter)

    • IDE’s (Spyder, Pycharm)

Jupyter Notebooks#

  • This presentation is actually a Jupyter notebook (you can play with it, run the code yourself)

  • A notebook like this one is a grapical interactive environment.

  • It is made of cells:

    • Text cells, with formatted markdown text (like the bulleted text we have here)

    • Code cells, to run code interactively

Extra: IPython built-in magic commands#

  • In IPython, some magic commands are available/built-in.

  • Useful to navigate the filesystem (% indicates a magic command)

%mkdir test
  • Or for module reload for rewritting code for testing without need to reload the module all the time

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Python modules usage#

  • A Python module is a file containing Python definitions and statements.

  • In Python, modules have to be imported in order to be used.

  • Here we show two ways of importing modules and one way of importing a functionality:

import os
import numpy as np
from glob import glob

In the first two, using the module funcionalities require the namespace: the original one os, or the defined one np (instead of numpy). In the last one, glob can be used instead of glob.glob

os module and glob function: interacting with the filesystem#

  • The os module serves to interact with the operative system

  • Normal filesystem commands or magic commands work from the interactive session, but, in a program, the os functions should be used instead

os.chdir('.') # change directory
os.listdir('.') # list contents of directory
glob('python-*') # returns pathnames matching a regex pattern
['python-primer.ipynb', 'python-primer.slides.html']

General Programming Overview#


Strings are identified by single or double apices:


Relational operators#

Relational operators are ==,<,>,<=,>=, and !=, and they can be connected with and,or,not

b == c

Lists of objects (integers, strings…)#

Lists of different objects are created using square brackets

d = [1, 2, 3, 'ba', 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Note: in Python, indexes are zero-based.

Conditionals (if-clause)#

if 1 > 0:
    d = 100

As you probably know, in Python, indentation is important. Use indentation to define a scope of code after the :. print(d) is no longer inside the scope of the if-clause because it is not indented.

Loops (for-loop)#

for i in [1,2,3,4,5]:

Another way of doing the same, using Numpy:

for i in np.arange(1,6):

Numpy: the best way to handle arrays#

Arrays are best created and handled using numpy arrays (no need to import the module, we already did before)

m = np.array([[ 11., 12, 13, 14 ],
              [ 21, 22, 23, 24 ],
              [ 31, 32, 33, 34 ],
              [ 41, 42, 43, 44 ]
[[ 11.  12.  13.  14.]
 [ 21.  22.  23.  24.]
 [ 31.  32.  33.  34.]
 [ 41.  42.  43.  44.]]

where m is 4-by-4 matrix of double numbers (and not integers), due to the fact than 11. is a real number (notice the dot).

Array multiplication#

Arrays can be multiplied easily element by element

n = 3.0 * m
[[  33.   36.   39.   42.]
 [  63.   66.   69.   72.]
 [  93.   96.   99.  102.]
 [ 123.  126.  129.  132.]]

A scalar multiplication is applied to each element of the array.


An array sequence can be created with arange (like seen before). Array indexing starts at 0.

o = np.arange(0,4)
[0 1 2 3]


o[1:] #from 1 until the end, (starts at zero)
array([1, 2, 3])

Note: See how we got the outcome without printing? It’s because we’re in interactive Python

m[:,0] = 99 # first column
m[-2:,]     # backwards indexing is possible, getting the last 2 rows
array([[ 99.,  32.,  33.,  34.],
       [ 99.,  42.,  43.,  44.]])

More matrix operations#

array([[   0.,   12.,   26.,   42.],
       [   0.,   22.,   46.,   72.],
       [   0.,   32.,   66.,  102.],
       [   0.,   42.,   86.,  132.]])
array([  80.,  140.,  200.,  260.])

Other numpy operations#

array([0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3])
array([ 396.,  108.,  112.,  116.])


Subroutines are defined using def:

def test(a, b=1, c=3):
    return a*b*c
test(1, c=5)

Variables and Objects#

  • Python represents all its data as objects.

  • Variables are just names.

  • Some objects are mutable, some immutable.

    • Immutables are: int, float, complex, str, tuples, bytes, frozensets

    • Mutables are: list, byte array, sets, dict, classes

Identity of an object#

With id it is possible to check the unique identity of an object

n = 1 # immutable integer
n += 1
id(n) # new object
m = [1] # mutable list
id(m) # same object

Argument passing#

  • Passing an argument to a function is like creating a new name to the object

  • If it is mutable, then any change inside the function will affect the object outside.

  • If it is immutable and the function changes it, then python creates another object inside the function scope, so nothing changes outside of the function.

Plots using matplotlib module#

from matplotlib.pylab import plot,title,xlabel,ylabel,grid,show,savefig,gcf
#Optional: magic line to make plots inline
%matplotlib inline

x = np.arange(0,50,.5)
y = np.sin(x/3) - np.cos(x/5)
plot(x,y, '.-k')
plot(x,np.sin(x/2) - np.cos(x/5),'.r')
title('A simple double plot')
xlabel('variable 1'), ylabel('variable 2'), grid(True)
fig = gcf() # Get current figure

The plot is shown inline, but can also be saved:


Getting Help#

The help function provides help for any function:

Help on built-in function print in module builtins:

    print(value, ..., sep=' ', end='n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)

    Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default.
    Optional keyword arguments:
    file:  a file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout.
    sep:   string inserted between values, default a space.
    end:   string appended after the last value, default a newline.
    flush: whether to forcibly flush the stream.

Debugging code in notebooks#

Really nice to debug an error and see what’s wrong by inspecting variables using %debug (Press PgDown for example)

def broken_function(b):
c = 4

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-29-441f8be6e164> in <module>()
      2     print(b,xxx())
      3 c = 4
----> 4 broken_function(c)

<ipython-input-29-441f8be6e164> in broken_function(b)
      1 def broken_function(b):
----> 2     print(b,xxx())
      3 c = 4
      4 broken_function(c)

NameError: name 'xxx' is not defined
> <ipython-input-29-441f8be6e164>(2)broken_function()
      1 def broken_function(b):
----> 2     print(b,xxx())
      3 c = 4
      4 broken_function(c)

ipdb> quit

Python Exercises#

  1. Sum the first 50 numbers with a for loop

  2. Do the same thing using numpy arrays

  3. Write a function that set a value for its argument (that is an integer)

  4. The same but for a numpy arrray