htmd.metricdatagenerator module#
- class htmd.metricdatagenerator.MetricDataGenerator(fulldata, model=None, is_adaptive=False)#
- newMetricData(datasource, trajectories=None, olddata=None)#
Converts trajectory indexes to a new MetricData object
- newTrajectoriesClusterJumping(simlen, ntraj, startFrames=None, jumpprob=0.1)#
clusterJumping only jumps one frame ahead and uses random chance to change the cluster from where to obtain new frames
- newTrajectoriesFiller(simlen, ntraj, startFrames=None)#
- newTrajectoriesMSM(simlen, ntraj, startFrames=None)#
Generates new synthetic (fake) trajectories sampled from the Markov State Model
- newTrajectoriesSimple(simlen, ntraj, startFrames=None)#
TrajectoriesSimple selects a random trajectory from the conformations in the cluster of the respawning conformations
- parallelTest(simlen, ntraj, startFrames=None)#
- htmd.metricdatagenerator.abs2rel(absFrames, trajLengths)#