moleculekit.smallmol.smallmol module#
- class moleculekit.smallmol.smallmol.SmallMol(mol, ignore_errors=False, force_reading=False, fixHs=True, removeHs=False, verbose=True, sanitize=True, _logger=True, **kwargs)#
Class to manipulate small molecule structures
- Parameters:
mol (rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol or filename or smile or moleculekit.smallmol.smallmol.SmallMol) – (i) Rdkit molecule or (ii) Location of molecule file (“.pdb”/”.mol2”) or (iii) a smile string or iv) another SmallMol object or v) moleculekit.molecule.Molecule object
ignore_errors (bool) – If True, errors will not be raised.
force_reading (bool) – If True, and the mol provided is not accepted, the molecule will be initially converted into sdf
fixHs (bool) – If True, the missing hydrogens are assigned, the others are correctly assinged into the graph of the molecule
removeHs (bool) – If True, remove the hydrogens
>>> import os >>> from moleculekit.smallmol.smallmol import SmallMol >>> SmallMol('CCO') >>> SmallMol('ligand.pdb', fixHs=False, removeHs=True ) >>> sm = SmallMol('benzamidine.mol2') >>> print(sm) SmallMol with 18 atoms and 1 conformers Atom field - bondtype Atom field - charge ...
- addHs(addCoords=True)#
- align(refmol)#
- assignStereoChemistry(from3D=True)#
- containsMetals(metalSMARTS='[Mg,Ca,Zn,As,Mn,Al,Pd,Pt,Co,Ba,Cr,Cu,Ni,Ag,Fe,Hg,Cd,Gd,Na]')#
Returns True if the molecule contains metals
- copy()#
Create a copy of the molecule object
- Returns:
newsmallmol – A copy of the object
- Return type:
- depict(sketch=True, filename=None, ipython=False, optimize=False, optimizemode='std', removeHs=True, atomlabels=None, highlightAtoms=None, resolution=(400, 200))#
Depicts the molecules. It is possible to save it into an svg file and also generates a jupiter-notebook rendering
- Parameters:
sketch (bool) – Set to True for 2D depiction
filename (str) – Set the filename for the svg file
ipython (bool) – Set to True to return the jupiter-notebook rendering
optimize (bool) – Set to True to optimize the conformation. Works only with 3D.
optimizemode (['std', 'mmff']) – Set the optimization mode for 3D conformation
removeHs (bool) – Set to True to hide hydrogens in the depiction
atomlabels (str) – Accept any combinations of the following pararemters as unique string ‘%a%i%c%*’ a:atom name, i:atom index, c:atom formal charge (+/-), :chiral ( if atom is chiral)
highlightAtoms (list) – List of atom to highlight. It can be also a list of atom list, in this case different colors will be used
resolution (tuple of integers) – Resolution in pixels: (X, Y)
- Returns:
- Return type:
SVG object if ipython is set to True
>>> sm.depict(ipython=True, optimize=True, optimizemode='std') >>> sm.depict(ipython=True, sketch=True) >>> sm.depict(ipython=True, sketch=True) >>> sm.depict(ipython=True, sketch=True, atomlabels="%a%i%c") >>> ids = np.intersect1d(sm.get('idx', 'hybridization SP2'), sm.get('idx', 'element C')) >>> sm.depict(ipython=True, sketch=True,highlightAtoms=ids.tolist(), removeHs=False)
- dropFrames(frames='all')#
- filter(sel)#
- foundBondBetween(sel1, sel2, bondtype=None)#
Returns True if at least a bond is found between the two selections. It is possible to check for specific bond type. A tuple is returned in the form (bool, [ [(idx1,idx2), rdkit.Chem.rdchem.BondType]] ])
- Parameters:
- Returns:
isbond (bool) – True if a bond was found
details (list) – A list of lists with the index of atoms in the bond and its type
- property frame#
- generateConformers(num_confs=400, optimizemode='mmff', align=True, append=True, pruneRmsThresh=0.5, maxAttempts=10000, seed=None, numThreads=1, useRandomCoords=True)#
Generates ligand conformers
- Parameters:
num_confs (int) – Number of conformers to generate.
optimizemode (str) – The optimizemode to use. Can be ‘uff’, ‘mmff’
align (bool) – If True, the conformer are aligned to the first one
append (bool) – If False, the current conformers are deleted
pruneRmsThresh (float) – The RMSD threshold for pruning conformers
maxAttempts (int) – The maximum number of attempts to generate conformers
seed (int) – The seed for the random number generator
numThreads (int) – The number of threads to use when embedding multiple conformations
useRandomCoords (bool) – Start the embedding from random coordinates instead of using eigenvalues of the distance matrix
- get(returnField, sel='all', convertType=True, invert=False)#
Returns the property for the atom specified with the selection. The selection is another atom property
- Parameters:
returnField (str) – The field of the atom to return
sel (str) – The selection string. atom field name followed by spaced values for that field
convertType (bool) – If True, and where possible the returnField is converted in rdkit object Default: True
invert (bool) – If True, the selection is inverted Default: False
- Returns:
values – The array of values for the property
- Return type:
>>> sm.get('element', 'idx 0 1 7') array(['C', 'C', 'H'], dtype='<U1') >>> sm.get('hybridization', 'element N') array([rdkit.Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP2, rdkit.Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP2], dtype=object) >>> sm.get('hybridization', 'element N', convertType=False) array([3, 3]) >>> sm.get('element', 'hybridization sp2') array(['C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'N', 'N'], dtype='<U1') >>> sm.get('element', 'hybridization S') array(['H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H'], dtype='<U1') >>> sm.get('element', 'hybridization 1') array(['H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H'], dtype='<U1') >>> sm.get('atomobject', 'element N') array([<rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom object at 0x7faf616dd120>, <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom object at 0x7faf616dd170>], dtype=object)
- getAtoms()#
Retuns an array with the rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom present in the molecule
- getCenter()#
Returns geometrical center of molecule conformation
- getDescriptors(prefix='', ignore=('Ipc',))#
Calculate descriptors for the molecule
Returns rdkit descriptors for the molecule, like DESC_NumRotatableBonds or DESC_MolLogP. See rdkit.Chem.Descriptors for more.
- getFingerprint(mode, radius=2, num_bits=1024)#
Returns Morgan, MACCS and AvalonCount fingerprints at specified radius and num_bits
- getProp(prop_name)#
Returns a given property of the molecule
- getTautomers(canonical=True, genConformers=False, returnScores=True, maxTautomers=200, filterTauts=None)#
- isChiral(returnDetails=False)#
Returns True if the molecule has at least one chiral atom. If returnDetails is set as True, a list of tuples with the atom idx and chiral type is returned.
- Parameters:
returnDetails (bool) – If True, returns the chiral atoms and their chiral types Default: False
- Returns:
ischiral (bool) – True if the atom has at least a chiral atom
details (list) – A list of tuple with the chiral atoms and their types
>>> chiralmol.isChiral() True >>> chiralmol.isChiral(returnDetails=True) (True, [('C2', 'R')])
- property ligname#
- property numAtoms#
- property numFrames#
- removeHs()#
- sanitize()#
- setProp(key, value)#
- stripSalts()#
Removes any salts from the molecule
- toMolecule(ids=None)#
Return the moleculekit.molecule.Molecule
- Parameters:
ids (list) – The list of conformer ids to store in the moleculekit Molecule object- If None, all are returned Default: None
- Returns:
mol – The moleculekit Molecule object
- Return type:
- toSMARTS(explicitHs=False)#
Returns the smarts string of the molecule
- toSMILES(explicitHs=False, kekulizeSmile=True)#
Returns the smiles string of the molecule
- view(*args, **kwargs)#
- write(fname, frames=None, merge=True)#