Molecular dynamics simulation of DHFR#
DHFR (dihydrofolate reductase) is a globular protein commonly used as a benchmark in MD simulations.
For the MD simulation with ACEMD, you need:
Prepare the simulation system and corresponding force field files
Write an input file
Run the simulation
All these tasks can be done easily with HTMD: follow the tutorial of the molecular dynamics protocols.
In this tutorial, we show how to run the MD simulation with ACEMD directly:
ACEMD installation already contains files for the DHFR simulation with CHARMM 36 force field. Copy them to an empty directory:
$ cd /tmp $ cp -r $(dirname $(which acemd))/../share/acemd/dhfr_charmm . $ cd dhfr_charmm
The input file is for an NVT (298.15 K) simulation with 4 fs time step:
$ cat input parameters dhfr.prm structure dhfr.psf coordinates dhfr.pdb celldimension 62.23 62.23 62.23 thermostat on run 250000
The other parameters are set to the default values (see the input file options for details).
Start the simulation:
$ acemd input
By default, ACEMD runs on the first GPU (device 0). This can be changed with
argument (see the command line arguments for details). Note that ACEMD Pro licence is required to run on different GPU.During the simulation, log messages are written to the standard output and simulation trajectory is saved to
. Also, the simulation state is periodically saved torestart.chk
(see the input options for details):$ ls -1 dhfr.pdb dhfr.prm dhfr.psf input output.coor output.vel output.xsc output.xtc restart.chk
Metadynamics simulation of alaninde dipeptide#
Metadynamics (MTD) is enhanced samping algorithm. It computes free energy along a predefined set of collecitve varialbes (CVs).
ACEMD uses PLUMED library for MTD simulations and this tutorial is a short version of its MTD tutorial.
In this tutorial, we will show how to run an MTD simulation of alanine dipeptide with ACEMD:
ACEMD installation already contains files for the simulation. Copy them to an empty directory:
$ cd /tmp $ cp -r $(dirname $(which acemd))/../share/acemd/ala2_amber . $ cd ala2_amber
ACEMD input file is the same as for the conventional MD, execpt
:$ cat input parmfile ala2.prmtop coordinates ala2.pdb celldimension 19.23005 19.01728 19.03172 thermostat on plumedFile input.plumed run 10ns
The other parameters are set to the default values (see the input file options for details).
PLUMED input file contains parameters to run a well-tempered MTD simulation. The CVs are two backbone angles of alaninde dipeptide:
$ cat input.plumed phi: TORSION ATOMS=5,7,9,15 psi: TORSION ATOMS=7,9,15,17 METAD ... ARG=phi,psi PACE=500 HEIGHT=1.2 SIGMA=0.35,0.35 BIASFACTOR=6.0 FILE=HILLS GRID_MIN=-pi,-pi GRID_MAX=pi,pi GRID_SPACING=0.1,0.1 ...
Refer to PLUMED’s MTD tutorial for a detailed explanation.
Run the simulation:
$ acemd input
During the simulation, in addition to ACEMD output files, PLUMED writes
file with a bias potential.For analysis, we use gnuplot and PLUMED tools. You can instal them with conda:
$ conda install -c conda-forge gnuplot plumed
Compute the free energy surface (FES) with the PLUMED tools:
$ plumed sum_hills --hills HILLS --bin 200,200 --mintozero
FES is written to
file.Visualize the FES with a gnuplot script:
$ cat fes.gp set title "FES of alanine dipeptide" set xlabel "phi [rad]" set xrange [-3.14159:3.14159] set ylabel "psi [rad]" set yrange [-3.14159:3.14159] set cblabel "Energy [kJ/mol]" plot "fes.dat" with image
Generate the plot:
$ gnuplot -p fes.gp
Note: due a stochastic nature of the simulations, your plot might look slightly different.